Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends
of the sport of German Shepherd Dogs

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome shepherd dog handlers from all over the world to the city of Sursee. The organizers have prepared the World Championships with great commitment. Three great days of competition await the participants and guests.

In order to organize such an event, a lot of voluntary work, team spirit and a great deal of passion are required. The Swiss Shepherd Dog Club, and in particular the Sursee local group, bring all of this to the table. As dog sportsmen and women, they are used to working in a disciplined manner.

In addition to discipline, your sport requires many other virtues that are also important in other areas of life. You must be able to rely on each other. You need trust, accuracy and above all a lot of empathy. Unlike in many other sports, you are not a lone fighter. Your focus is not on an object, a ball, a racket or a net, but on a living being. That requires special tact. As a spectator, I am always impressed by what humans and animals can achieve together. 

Dear participants of the WUSV World Championship Universal, I wish you a fair and successful competition in a friendly atmosphere. Thank you for your commitment and your passion for your sport. Enjoy the World Championships and our small town in the heart of Switzerland.

Sabine Beck-Pflugshaupt, Town President